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NEW @jackhunter74 : If Lindsey Graham had his way we'd be on the brink of WWIII at least a half a dozen times over the last decade. His crazy call for Putin's assassination is not new. — Responsible Statecraft (@RStatecraft) March 5, 2022
NEW @jackhunter74 : If Lindsey Graham had his way we'd be on the brink of WWIII at least a half a dozen times over the last decade. His crazy call for Putin's assassination is not new.
From my latest at Responsible Statecraft, “These lawmakers are right to denounce Graham’s reckless foreign policy rhetoric, but this is sadly nothing new for the Senator.
In 2013, Graham said the U.S’s failure to strike Syria would mean America would get nuked.
‘I believe that if we get Syria wrong, within six months — and you can quote me on this— there will be a war between Iran and Israel over their nuclear program,’ Graham told a gathering of supporters in September 2013, according to U.S. News and World Report.
‘It won’t come to America on top of a missile, it’ll come in the belly of a ship in the Charleston or New York harbor,’ he added.
Luckily, the U.S. did not get into the kind of war Graham wanted with Syria, nor have nuclear weapons yet been detonated on American soil by a foreign power.”
Read the entire column.
Sen. Mike Lee
Randall G. Holcombe
John C. Goodman
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James Tooley
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Mike Lee
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