Check out the originators of the Liberty Tree and friend of liberty

Mike Lee

I am a United States Senator from the great state of Utah. Please help me restore constitutional leadership to Washington.

It’s the poor and middle class who are paying for this war on American energy

The U.S. government owns more than 2/3 of Utah's land. My bill would free up some of that land

Deseret News reports, “Sen. Mike Lee has a novel approach to help alleviate Utah’s housing crunch while putting more of the vast amounts of federal land into local hands.

The Utah Republican introduced legislation Friday to allow a state or local government to buy parcels of federal land at a reduced price to address housing supply and affordability in their areas. The proposal would require the property be used for housing, subject to a density requirement, and protects against development of expensive second homes.

‘Supply is not meeting housing demand in Utah, and the federal government’s land ownership is a significant cause of our restricted housing stock,’ Lee said in a statement.”

Read the entire story.

Families across the country are suffering under Biden's inflation

Court packing is 'destructive to the very constitutional fabric of our country'

Fox News: “I think it's very, very important for the American people to understand that when somebody attempts to pack the court, whether it succeeds legislatively or not, it leaves a mark. And because it leaves a mark, you got to be very, very careful with it.

Some of the groups that have supported Judge Jackson and some people with whom she has aligned in one way or another have been outspoken advocates in favor of it. And yet it's destructive to the very constitutional fabric of our country.”

We must prevent the Supreme Court from becoming a political body

No court packing

Will Biden open the tap on America's clean, abundant energy resources?

'Americans can see through the transparent political theater' of mask mandates

Glory to Ukraine!

Pray for the people of Ukraine

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