Check out the originators of the Liberty Tree and friend of liberty

Mike Lee

I am a United States Senator from the great state of Utah. Please help me restore constitutional leadership to Washington.

My heart breaks at the tragic news from Texas today

Get a preview of my new book 'Saving Nine: The Fight Against to Left's Audacious Plan to Pack the Supreme Court and Destroy American Liberty 

The left’s partisan push to pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices has fully migrated from the fringes into the mainstream of Democratic politics.

It wasn’t long ago that liberal icons, including the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, were against the idea of overhauling the court for political gain. But now, in the Biden era, more and more powerful Democrats are getting behind the cause, claiming the high court is broken and actively dismantling our democracy. Even Joe Biden—who once called court-packing a “bonehead idea”—gave in to the progressive wing of his party, appointing a committee to examine “reforms” to the court after being sworn in as president.

What changed? Mike Lee, a respected member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, reveals the answer to that question and warns of the dangerous norm-shattering precedent that would be set by politically motivated attempts to turn the Supreme Court into just another partisan weapon.

You can download the introduction and Chapter One here.

Feeding American babies should be the least controversial of issues

Babies are going hungry and the federal government is standing in the way

SCOTUS is not a partisan body. Attempts to apply political pressure to the Court are wrong

Those wanting to hijack the Court can't stand the thought of it not bowing to political pressure

Leaks are damaging to the legitimacy, independence and operation of SCOTUS

Seeking to place outside political pressure on the Court is dangerous, despicable and damaging

Forgiving student loans to redistribute wealth to your political supporters is wrong

How far they will go to stop Elon Musk from liberating Twitter

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