Check out the originators of the Liberty Tree and friend of liberty

Mike Lee

I am a United States Senator from the great state of Utah. Please help me restore constitutional leadership to Washington.

I will always stand on the side of the Second Amendment

8.6% inflation represents government failing Utah families. When will Biden act?

My new book 'Saving Nine' explains why the left's plan to pack the Supreme Court is so dangerous

My new book tells the story of what happened the last time an American president attempted to pack the Supreme Court. It had lasting consequences, even though it didn't pass in the Senate.

It ended up bullying, intimidating and threatening the Supreme Court to the point that the Supreme Court changed its interpretation of the Constitution.

I cover this history and more in 'Saving Nine', which will help you understand why packing the packing the Supreme Court is such a terrible idea.

Buy 'Saving Nine': The Fight Against the Left’s Audacious Plan to Pack the Supreme Court and Destroy American Liberty

Attacks on and threats toward Supreme Court officials have gone on for too long

Biden is snubbing the law so that American families have to pay more at the pump

Saving Nine is a must read for those interested in protecting the Supreme Court from the left

The Supreme Court in under attack. Leftist in Congress with the support of Joe Biden have created a committee to examine reforms to the Supreme Court. These reforms include court-packing; adding additional seats to the Court and thus allowing it to become another partisan weapon. In Saving Nine, Senator Mike Lee, a respected member of the Senate Judiciary Committee reveals the leftist plans for the Supreme Court and the dangers they pose for our nation.

Saving Nine is a must read for all those interested in preserving an independent judiciary!

This inflation crisis is the president’s own creation and he seems to have no plans to fix it

Biden is making you pay for his radical agenda

Utahns are paying more at the pump, the grocery store, for housing, and for just about everything else

My FORMULA Act will help ease this crisis that is threatening American babies

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