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Mike Lee

I am a United States Senator from the great state of Utah. Please help me restore constitutional leadership to Washington.

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Sen. Mike Lee: 'The average Utah family, today, is having to spend an additional $949 a month'

Salt Lake City’s ABC4 reports, "Inflation is up more than 8% from this time last year in the United States. You are likely feeling it every time you make a trip to the store. Utah farmers say while grocery prices are increasing, they’re not getting rich.

U.S. senators from Utah say it’s time for the federal government to cut its spending to slow inflation.

'Well, until the corn maze idea came up, I was really, seriously thinking of just cashing out,' Blair McFarland told ABC4. For decades, McFarland has been a dairy farmer in Weber County, but it’s becoming harder to make a living.

'The cost of everything,' McFarland said. 'Fertilizer’s doubled, chemicals are 70% up, seed prices went up some, our labor costs, and then certainly fuel…'

“The average Utah family, today, is having to spend an additional $949 a month,” Sen. Mike Lee said. “Every single month on their basic monthly household expenses.”

Sen. Lee emphasized the issue by saying: “[They’re] no longer in a position where they’re just cutting out luxuries for necessities. They’re cutting out one necessity for another.'

"We can’t handle more of this," Lee added.

Read the entire story.

Mike Lee's Utah Senate race is tight.

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