NYT: US government made it ‘shockingly easy’ to commit pandemic fraudNYT: US government made it ‘shockingly easy’ to commit pandemic fraud “The COVID stimulus spending was one of the greatest scams in history & we’ll be paying for it for decades to come. Libertarians like @RepThomasMassie were the canaries in…Read more ›
$800 billion stimulus program failed terribly and mostly benefited the wealthy$800 billion stimulus program failed terribly and mostly benefited the wealthy FEE’s Brad Polumbo writes, “The federal government has spent an astounding $42,000 per federal taxpayer on so-called ‘stimulus’ efforts since the pandemic began. Where did all that money go? Well,…Read more ›
We still need to recover illegitimate PPP loans to Planned ParenthoodWe still need to recover illegitimate PPP loans to Planned Parenthood The Washington Examiner’s Christopher Tremoglie writes, “Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is leading the charge to hold the Small Business Administration accountable for sending funds to the Planned Parenthood Federation of…Read more ›