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On March 17, 2011, Congressman Ron Paul said on the House floor (emphasis added):
"The fact of the matter is this: If now is not the time to leave, then when? Afghanistan has become the longest war in U.S. history, with a price tag of $100 billion a year…
Get out of Afghanistan now. The question we are facing today is, should we leave Afghanistan? I think the answer is very clear, and it's not complicated. Of course we should, as soon as we can. This suggests that we can leave by the end of the year. If we don't, we'll be there for another decade, would be my prediction.
Some argue we have to be there because if we leave under these circumstances we'll lose face; it will look embarrassing to leave. So how many more men and women have to die, how many more dollars have to be spent to save face? That is one of the worst arguments possible."
FEE's Jon Miltimore writes:
"The swift collapse of Kabul and Ghani’s government reveal just how right Paul was in his predictions a decade ago. It’s difficult to even think about the number of lives and treasure lost in the last 10 years because so many refused to see what had become so obvious—but it’s a reality we cannot ignore.
If we do, Americans will fail to learn from the mistakes—constitutional, moral, and political— that led to the tragedy of the Afghanistan War."
Read the entire column here.
Sen. Mike Lee
Randall G. Holcombe
John C. Goodman
Stephen P. Halbrook
James Tooley
S. Fred Singer
Adam Brandon
Mike Lee
Rand Paul