Check out the originators of the Liberty Tree and friend of liberty
It was false statements like this that not only conditioned millions of American liberals to hate Russia and Russians as if it were the Cold War, but also caused *2/3 of Democrats to believe* that "Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to get Donald Trump elected President." — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 11, 2022
It was false statements like this that not only conditioned millions of American liberals to hate Russia and Russians as if it were the Cold War, but also caused *2/3 of Democrats to believe* that "Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to get Donald Trump elected President."
Sen. Mike Lee
Randall G. Holcombe
John C. Goodman
Stephen P. Halbrook
James Tooley
S. Fred Singer
Adam Brandon
Mike Lee
Rand Paul