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The pandemic response should end the government health care debate forever
In unprecedented times of uncertainty with an already embarrassing track record of governmental errors and missteps, the answer is not less freedom but more. @freethepeople #COVID19 #MedicalFreedom
— Michael Feuz (@MikeFeuz) February 2, 2022
Free the People’s Mike Feuz writes, “Over a decade ago, the 111th congress slammed through the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act more popularly known as ObamaCare. It was the next major step in the already continual centralization of government involvement and control of Americans’ personal health care. In the decade following, the trend has only continued as more and more personal health care decisions now begin and end with bureaucracy.
Now, two years since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, more governmentalization of health care has deprived us not only of our health but our freedoms. Politics and bureaucracy have corrupted the health care industry and subjected us to the will of bureaucracy and the lobbyist class.”
Read the entire column.