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Fox News reports, “A common theme emerged on social media Tuesday night as Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin took a clear advantage over Democrat Terry McAuliffe: MSNBC hosts had public meltdowns that made for must-see TV among conservatives.
Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid and Nicolle Wallace had a hard time holding back their feelings and Twitter noticed. The liberal hosts spent much of the night making excuses and blaming Youngkin’s success on backlash to critical race theory, which they claim doesn’t exist. The outspoken, right-leaning crowd that typically wouldn’t dare admit to watching the far-left network couldn’t help themselves on Election Night. 'MSNBC is currently going through the 7 stages of grief on an endless loop in real time,' radio host Buck Sexton tweeted. 'It’s great, highly recommend.'
Twitter roasts MSNBC for Election Night meltdown — Fox News (@FoxNews) November 3, 2021
Twitter roasts MSNBC for Election Night meltdown
'If you want to give yourself a treat, turn on MSNBC,' Ann Coulter tweeted as results began to favor Republicans in key races.
National Review critic Kyle Smith declared, 'Every conservative I know is watching MSNBC.'
Pundit Stephen L. Miller joked, 'It's early yet but MSNBC is pulling a bit ahead in the election meltdown. Still waiting for returns from some of CNN's more loyal viewers and the late night returns but Joy Reid looks to be pulling away early. Still too close to call though."
Read the entire story.
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Randall G. Holcombe
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