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FEE’s Brad Polumbo writes, “Many of President Biden’s nominees have been quietly confirmed without much of a fight. But the president’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova, is drawing backlash for her extreme economic views. Republican Senator Pat Toomey, a staunch fiscal conservative, said he has ‘[n]ever seen a more radical choice for any regulatory spot in our federal government.’
What’s prompting the unusual level of pushback on this nomination for a top regulatory position?
Saule Omarova openly admits that her proposed reforms 'will effectively end banking as we know it.' — FEE (@feeonline) October 26, 2021
Saule Omarova openly admits that her proposed reforms 'will effectively end banking as we know it.'
Well, Omarova has an unusual educational and ideological background that, in conjunction with her many public statements, suggests she is sympathetic to—if not outright supportive of—the state-run economic model that dominated the former Soviet Union where she grew up…
Forget the gulags, economic stagnation, shortages, and political oppression—Omarova still believes the former Soviet economy is a model for the US, at least in some ways. Perhaps most disturbingly, one of those ways Omarova favors the Soviet system is banking: the very sector she’s nominated to oversee.”
Read the entire column.
Sen. Mike Lee
Randall G. Holcombe
John C. Goodman
Stephen P. Halbrook
James Tooley
S. Fred Singer
Adam Brandon
Mike Lee
Rand Paul