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Et tu, Me Too? 'Credibly accused' Chris Cuomo hoisted with his own petard

Forgive the puns, but the backstabbing at CNN is truly Shakespearean.

Whatever the leftist media moralizers most loudly condemn and accuse in others, it’s clear they are actually doing themselves. The curtain has been lifted, and from Charlie Rose to Matt Lauer, from Don Lemon to Jeffrey Toobin, the most righteous finger-waggers have been exposed.

Today we have erstwhile CNN star Chris Cuomo “credibly accused” of sexual harassment behind the lights of the CNN stage.

I hate to use the word “credibly accused” since CNN rendered the words utterly meaningless during the Kavanaugh hearings, when Christine Blasey-Ford accused Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rape after thirty years without a shred of evidence or corroboration that the two had ever met. Even Blasey-Ford’s lifelong best friend, Leland Keyser, swore under penalty of perjury that she had neither any recollection of the gathering itself, nor the traumatic crime tearfully described by Blasey-Ford, who claimed she and Keiser were together on the night in question. Keyser remained steadfast in her assertions that she had never even met Kavanaugh, despite intense pressure and disgusting personal smears from the left questioning her credibility while trying to “out” her as an alcoholic.

Undeterred, CNN and MSNBC used Blasey Ford’s unsubstantiated story to further accuse Kavanaugh of being a serial rapist based on nothing more than the hyperbolic claims of the currently incarcerated Michael Avenatti, whom they legitimized and amplified for months out of a rabid desire to frame Justice Kavanaugh simply because they disagreed with his opinions.

Here’s a question for the legacy media -- why not do your job and inform your viewers of a nominee’s opinions and then feature guests to present counter-arguments? But we know the answer. It’s so much more entertaining -- and better for ratings -- to just get out the pitchforks and cloak yourself as a righteous defender of women.

Me Too! Time’s Up! Indeed, it is time. Time to remember how Chris Cuomo moralized ad nauseam about Kavanagh, right alongside his fellow disgraced CNN anchors like Jeffrey Toobin and “credibly accused” Don Lemon, who somehow still have jobs on that sinking ship. And there appear to be a heck of a lot more credibility to the claims of Cuomo’s accusers than there ever were to Blasey-Ford’s, although that certainly wouldn’t be hard.

But unlike his friends at CNN, I believe Chris Cuomo deserves due process rather than guilt by the media smear machine. Or as Shakespeare put it, “Thyself shall see the act; For, as thou urgest justice, be assured Thou shalt have justice, more than thou desir’st.”

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