Check out the originators of the Liberty Tree and friend of liberty

Kat Cammack

Kat Cammack

U.S. Representative for Florida's 3rd congressional district.

Kat Cammack

Forcing Americans to pick up the $300 billion dollar check for debt they did not choose to incur is just wrong

Kat Cammack

Democrats have claimed that the new funds for the IRS will go to customer service, but we know that isn't true. It's a war on taxpayers

Kat Cammack

The Biden administration’s excessive spending policies have hurt workers by driving up inflation

Kat Cammack

Reckless spending is costing the American people

Kat Cammack

The Left is all about diversity until it's about diversity of thought

Kat Cammack

The true cost of Bidenflation is soaring energy prices

Kat Cammack

More spending, more taxes, more debt. More absolute nonsense in Washington

Kat Cammack

Inflation is a tax on all Americans and Democrats want to make it worse

Kat Cammack

Senate Dems just passed their insane tax-and-spend package, which includes funding for more than 87,000 new IRS agents

Kat Cammack

This politicization and weaponization is dangerous, wrong, and deeply concerning

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