Check out the originators of the Liberty Tree and friend of liberty

Kat Cammack

Kat Cammack

U.S. Representative for Florida's 3rd congressional district.

Kat Cammack

Democrats' push for ‘equity’ rules at FEMA is disgusting

Kat Cammack

Middle class folks who make decent livings are having a hard time

Kat Cammack

Biden's price hike

Kat Cammack

Florida's booming economy proves that conservative policies work

Kat Cammack

Bidenflation has cost the average American worker over $3,000 in annual income

Kat Cammack

The 'Inflation Reduction Act' is historically bad for the American people

Kat Cammack

Inflation is now the largest financial hardship for Americans

Kat Cammack

We're praying for the people of the United Kingdom

Kat Cammack

Biden's reckless student loan scam

Kat Cammack

The pandemic erased two decades of progress in math and reading

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