Coverage of Rand Paul’s YouTube ban reveals the danger of media enforcing their own news narrativeCoverage of Rand Paul’s YouTube ban reveals the danger of media enforcing their own news narrative When Sen. Rand Paul was suspended from YouTube for seven days this week, the social media company said he had violated the rules by…Read more ›
Dangerous figures in Cuba, Iran and China can use YouTube, but not Rand Paul?Dangerous figures in Cuba, Iran and China can use YouTube, but not Rand Paul? YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, each hosts all sorts leaders from authoritarian regimes on a regular basis. Here is Cuba’s president. Here is China’s government-run news agency.…Read more ›
Rand Paul after getting suspended by ‘leftwing cretins’ at YouTube: A ‘badge of honor’Rand Paul after getting suspended by ‘leftwing cretins’ at YouTube: A ‘badge of honor’ Last week, YouTube censored a video posted by Sen. Rand Paul for contradicting government guidelines on masks. On Tuesday, YouTube removed the video and suspended the…Read more ›
I have been BANNED by YouTubeI have been BANNED by YouTube I haven’t lied. I haven’t used expletives. I haven’t spread misinformation. I have only told the truth about what our government seeks to do to us, curtailing our most basic liberties, using the COVID-19…Read more ›