Fauci and NIH continue to lie about ‘gain of function’ researchFauci and NIH continue to lie about ‘gain of function’ research From my Fox News op-ed today, “One way of denying that the NIH funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan is to scrub the NIH website of its ‘gain-of-function’ definition. On October 20th, the…Read more ›
Why does Rand Paul have to do reporters’ job for them?Why does Rand Paul have to do reporters’ job for them? Yahoo News reported on Thursday (emphasis added), “A top NIH official admitted in a Wednesday letter that U.S. taxpayers funded gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan and revealed…Read more ›
NIH edits definition of gain-of-function on websiteNIH edits definition of gain-of-function on website Townhall reports, “The National Institutes of Health edited a section of its website explaining gain-of-function research this month as scrutiny over the research the NIH funded in Wuhan, China intensified. Dr. Fauci never…Read more ›
NIH recently changed their definition of ‘gain-of-function?’NIH recently changed their definition of ‘gain-of-function?’ Persistent propaganda is a problem for propagandists. How long until https://t.co/9hmpXdLncY outlaws internet archiving or reposts of internet archives? https://t.co/RvkOl9Ie5t — Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) October 24, 2021Read more ›
NIH admits to funding gain-of-function research in WuhanNIH admits to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan HHS Deputy admits Fauci’s NIH funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan but says it was “an unexpected result.” If the experiment combines unknown viruses and tests their ability to infect and damage humanized…Read more ›
Report: A federal agency under Fauci’s leadership spent $424K cruelly experimenting on and euthanizing BeaglesReport: A federal agency under Fauci’s leadership spent $424K cruelly experimenting on and euthanizing Beagles FEE’s Brad Polumbo writes, “According to a new exposé from the anti-animal-experimentation advocacy group the White Coat Waste Project, the National Institutes of Health spent…Read more ›