The reality of natural immunityThe reality of natural immunity Study shows natural immunity conferred by a prior infection is superior to the immunity conferred by vaccines. *this should not be construed as advice to get infected with the virus instead of taking the vaccine.…Read more ›
Natural immunity is not a conspiracy theoryNatural immunity is not a conspiracy theory AFP reporter Michael Mathes shared one of my tweets criticizing President Biden’s decision to fire health caregivers who don’t get vaccinated even if they have had COVID-19 and thus, natural immunity. “Some GOP…Read more ›
If a health care provider won’t recognize natural immunity are they qualified to take care of you and your kids?If a health care provider won’t recognize natural immunity are they qualified to take care of you and your kids? To listen to the CDC and other “experts,” they behave as if natural immunity – being immune to COVID-19 due…Read more ›