Et tu, Me Too? ‘Credibly accused’ Chris Cuomo hoisted with his own petardEt tu, Me Too? ‘Credibly accused’ Chris Cuomo hoisted with his own petard Forgive the puns, but the backstabbing at CNN is truly Shakespearean. Whatever the leftist media moralizers most loudly condemn and accuse in others, it’s clear they are…Read more ›
The disparity in how kids vs. adults are treated in Democrat-run cities has no basis in scienceThe disparity in how kids vs. adults are treated in Democrat-run cities has no basis in science The disparity in how kids vs adults are being treated in Democrat-run cities and states has no basis in science. It’s also terribly…Read more ›
Inflation is affecting us all and Biden curses at reporter for asking about itInflation is affecting us all and Biden curses at reporter for asking about it Inflation is affecting every single American and the President curses and personally insults a reporter for daring to ask about it. — Kelley Paul (@KelleyAshbyPaul)…Read more ›
Merry Christmas! I had so much fun interviewing my mother-in-law, Carol ‘Luvie’ PaulMerry Christmas! I had so much fun interviewing my mother-in-law, Carol ‘Luvie’ Paul I had so much fun interviewing my awesome Mother in Law, Carol “Luvie” Paul, for this special Christmas episode of The Ron Paul Liberty Report!…Read more ›
Prayers for KentuckyPrayers for Kentucky Like Mayfield, Bowling Green is trying to pick up the pieces. @EWilTV tells us about the efforts there. @RandPaul was given a tour of the area and he said he’s pleased by everyone coming together. —…Read more ›
Happy Thanksgiving!Happy Thanksgiving! To our fellow Kentuckians and friends across our great nation, Rand and I wish you an abundant Thanksgiving with those you love. We are truly grateful for your support, encouragement and friendship! — Kelley Paul (@KelleyAshbyPaul) November…Read more ›
Ron Paul warned that the War on Terror would be turned inwardRon Paul warned that the War on Terror would be turned inward Ron Paul warned that the original War on Terror was destined to be turned inward. I mean, as long as we’re playing the ‘who gets credit for warning…Read more ›
The left continues to pretend that critical race theory is not being taught in schoolsThe left continues to pretend that critical race theory is not being taught in schools Love the clueless look on Brianna’s face as Sen Scott called her out – with receipts – on the false mantra that CRT is “not…Read more ›
Will we be hunted down by robot dogs with sniper rifles?Will we be hunted down by robot dogs with sniper rifles? Weaponizing the FBI to criminalize concerned parents as domestic terrorists; enforcing vaccine passports and social credit scores; massive IRS surveillance of every $600 transaction … all will require additional…Read more ›
Six weeks ago, the Biden administration finally admitted it droned civilians but only after NYT’s reportedSix weeks ago, the Biden administration finally admitted it droned civilians but only after NYT’s reported Six weeks ago, the Biden Admin sent a drone to shoot a missile that extinguished the lives of ten innocent Afghan civilians, then spent…Read more ›